The problem of unsystematic aquatic trash disposal in Kathmandu has become
a major issue contributing to the pollution of the environment with nearly
315,069 tonnes of trash being dumped on riverbanks annually. To clean these
unsystematic disposals a lot of human labour is required. This is where our
project kicks in. The project “Design and fabrication of Trash Collection Boat
“introduces a system of already existing concepts of collecting aquatic trash
with the help of a boat equipped with a conveyor belt, electronics and a set of
mechanisms for moving the boat with much reduced human labour. The project
emphasises on a conveyor belt mechanism built with GI wire mesh as the belt
powered by a 100 Rpm 12v Gear motor which collects trash and collects them
with the help of a trash bin made of plywood. Along with this, a double paddle
wheel concept mounted on the base made with the help of PVC pipes and
powered by 2 Double Shaft BO motors. The motors and the propeller powered
by an Arduino chipset helps operate the conveyor belt and the boat forward,
backward and change directions by introducing a differential among the paddle
wheels. All of these operations are controlled with an android phone which
transmits signals to the Arduino chipset with the help of HC-05 bluetooth
module. All of these components sit on a base made of Sallo wood having low
density to accommodate more weight of trash. A styrofoam base has also been
strategically added to the lower base to provide additional buoyancy to the boat.
The completion of this project resulted in a boat capable of collecting trash on a
smaller scale and limited area. The implementation of these fabrication
processes, modifications to calculations and existing literature review can result
in a live model of the trash collection boat which can contribute to reducing
aquatic pollution with minimal human labour.
Project Member:
- Agrim Thapa
- Madan Thakur Hajam
- Ajay Bikram Neupane
What words… super, a magnificent idea