Drone Flight Workshop

A drone (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle) is a type of aircraft which is either autonomous or remotely piloted. It is also called quadcopter as it consists of four propellers. The earliest concept of UAV’s was arisen by Austrians in 1894 using aerial balloons and first aircraft was built at the time of World War I.Drones are categorized on the basis of propellers,size and range.They are based on the of principle of Newton’s law while aircrafts are based on the bernoullis principle.They are equipped with camera that helps to capture image used for making maps even to the places which is inaccessible for people. It has completely modernized 3D mapmaking,navigation etc.

This workshop is missioned to help you be a smart and safe drone pilot . Also,to those who are interested and willing to start their journey in the field of Drone flight . Moreover,in this workshop the participants will be introduced on the basic components that drone holds,how it assembles and it’s fight control. Since, many people are unknown about the advancement of this technology, this project could be a great milestone and foundation for learners.


  1. To know about the different electronic parts of drone.
  2. To study about its working mechanism
  3. Develop,improve and or explore substation maintenance and operations by developing one or more areas of interest
  4. Investigate the use of UAVs for Transmission Line and Inspection.
  5. Improve image capture capability

Event Details

Event Timeline

Friday 20 September, 2019

09:00 - 09:30


09:30 - 11:30

Drone Components Introduction

11:30 - 12:30

Lunch Break

12:30 - 15:00


Saturday 21 September, 2019

09:00 - 09:30


09:30 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:00

Lunch Break

12:30 - 15:00

Drone Flying Mechanisms

Supported by:

Orion Space